The bamboo forest is an easy 20 minute hike from base camp. It’s quite a tranquil retreat backed up against a wide shallow part of the Pacora River with a shaded area in between two lots of bamboo stalks.
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A big reason for making the trip was to harvest poles to set up Beersbee, our Botswana as our Minnesotan, Ian, calls it. It was one of the Field Day Spring 2013 events, and it was a blast! (
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Ultimately though we learned that we have some serious crafters on our hands! Some of the things that were constructed were a candle stick holder (which quickly turned into drumsticks later in the night), a cup, and an awesome straw that is PERFECT for drinking out of freshly picked coconuts! Bamboo will be further utilized in framing out some nets and possibly fishing poles for my fish identification project.
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Gallivanting for bamboo is only a small adventure of the many that have already been and will be created, but it truly is the little joys out here that keep a grin on my face.
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