Outdoor Recreation
The outdoor recreation program goal is to provide and facilitate safe and fun recreation opportunities for fellow students and guests.
Director Goals:
- Facilitation of a fun and safe experience for the students
- Promote effective communication
- Supervise quality of student projects
- Instill values regarding correct practice of ecotourism
- Reinforce protocols for sustainability
- Educate students pertaining jungle lifestyle, project facilitation, and outdoor leadership
The time allotment for the workday in Kalu Yala is split in half. Four hours are devoted to the director project and base maintenance and four hours are devoted to student projects.
Examples of director projects and base maintenance;
- Maintain vegetation growth on base
- Trail maintenance
- Orienteering
- Participate in lecture
- Work as a group to efficiently complete a project
- Blaze a new trail
- Go on a hike!
Examples of student projects (this part is up to you!)
- Archery/hatchet range
- Blaze a new trail
- Create a survey and analysis
- Facilitate recreation activates
- Build a corral
- Build a horse shoe court or other sport field/court
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